# Ensure private information is already in the shell environment
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# set some environment variables
PROXYADMIN_ADDRESS="0xb99001057c6f5c5712aa31BdFecB509768002737" # Set this
JOB_PROXY_ADDRESS="0xD6d8f49f9CDCfb02b3A23F530FB349146b28A6f6" # Set this
NEW_TOKEN_ADDRESS="0x4DBCdF9B62e891a7cec5A2568C3F4FAF9E8Abe2b" # Set this (This example is Rinkeby USDC)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# change the minimum bounty as a test
# schedule a change to updatePaymentTokens
npx hardhat --network rinkeby \\
proxy-admin-schedule \\
--admincontract "${PROXYADMIN_ADDRESS}" \\
--targetaddress "${JOB_PROXY_ADDRESS}" \\
--method updatePaymentTokens \\
--arg1 "${NEW_TOKEN_ADDRESS}" \\
--arg2 "1" \\
# Use the displayed values and create a multisig contract in the Gnosis multisig
# Have all signing members verify the calldata
# calldata can be found in the gnosis safe transaction proposal as "data"
npx hardhat proxy-admin-decode-calldata \\
--targettype "JOB" \\
--calldata "0x00000" # set this
# After scheduled and the time is passed, create another transaction to execute
npx hardhat --network rinkeby \\
proxy-admin-execute \\
--admincontract "${PROXYADMIN_ADDRESS}" \\
--targetaddress "${JOB_PROXY_ADDRESS}" \\
--show \\
--calldata 0x00000 --salt 0x00000000000000000000 # set these from the scheduled contract data
# Have all signing members verify the calldata
# calldata can be found in the gnosis safe transaction proposal as "data"
npx hardhat proxy-admin-decode-calldata \\
--targettype "JOB" \\
--calldata "0x00000" # set this