<aside> 💡 Illegal content or contract objectives will never be tolerated on the platform. We reject the assertion that anonymity is only useful for illegal activity.
Anyone can report a terms of service violation. A reporter submits a report by staking funds and submitting a short description of why they believe the job violates the terms of service. The current amount of stake required to submit a report is $50.
A report may be submitted for a job that is Available or Started. Once a job is marked complete, it can no longer be reported.
As soon as a report is submitted, the job is temporary suspended while under review.
During the MVP phase, the report will be reviewed by the engineer DAO core team. This will be decentralized in the future.
The report must be either be accepted or rejected for the job to continue.
A report may be accepted with a short reason string. The following events occur:
A report may be declined with a short reason string. The following events occur: